Unveils Shocking 'Warrior's Guidesource image : Hindustan times

In a startling revelation, Israel’s President Isaac Herzog has exposed a disturbing Hamas manual, shedding light on the terror organization’s tactics and strategies. Titled “The Warrior’s Guide: Jihadi Version,” this eight-page document has sent shockwaves through the international community, as it unveils the grim realities of Hamas’ operations.

The manual, discovered on the body of a terrorist killed in a Gaza-area community, outlines a series of ruthless tactics employed by Hamas members. Among the most chilling instructions is the use of captives as human shields when under attack, regardless of their religion, race, or gender. The document goes as far as to endorse the killing of hostages if they display any signs of rebellion, all while terrorists are encouraged to document these heinous acts live, often through the use of GoPro cameras.

“This booklet is an operating manual, detailing how to infiltrate citizens’ yards, kibbutz, cities, and moshavs, and what to do when encountering civilians – torture and kidnapping,” President Isaac Herzog stated during an interview with CNN. It highlights the shocking brutality that Hamas terrorists are instructed to employ.

Furthermore, the manual delves into a range of other tactics aimed at asserting control over seized territory, including suicide bombings, car bombings, ambushes, and sniper fire. It even instructs terrorists to seize identification documents from their captives and meticulously document personal information.

Notably, the document includes an illustrative chart that outlines the Israel Defense Force’s hierarchical structure, along with its armaments and electronic assets. This revelation has raised serious concerns about the level of intelligence and planning behind Hamas’ operations.

President Herzog made it clear that the issue at hand is not a conflict between Israel and the Palestinians or a religious confrontation between Judaism and Islam. Instead, it’s a battle between good and evil, with Hamas representing a force that aims to wipe Israel off the map.

It is neither a story of Judaism vs Islam or Israel versus the Palestinians. The narrative centers on the question of who humanity should side with—the good or the wicked.” Isaac Herzog remarked and said,”The campaign we are waging now, as a nation rising like a lion, is against evil, and we will uproot evil so that it will be better for the whole region and the world,” emphasized President Herzog.

As the world grapples with the shocking revelations from this manual, it serves as a stark reminder of the challenges Israel faces in its ongoing efforts to ensure peace and security in the region. The international community now faces the daunting task of addressing the dark and dangerous tactics employed by Hamas, which threaten not only the stability of the Middle East but also global peace.