Google's 25th Birthday

As it is biggest tech giant Google’s 25th birthday on September 27, the company reflects on an incredible journey that began with a chance encounter between two computer science enthusiasts at Stanford University. Sergey Brin and Larry Page, then doctoral students, shared a vision to make the World Wide Web more accessible, and this shared vision led to the creation of a groundbreaking search engine.

In January 1997, fate brought Brin and Page together during a Stanford University campus tour. This encounter sparked the beginning of their collaboration. A year later, they began working on a search engine prototype in the confines of their dormitory rooms. This collaboration yielded their first successful prototype, garnering attention from Silicon Valley investors.

In August 1998, Andy Bechtolsheim, co-founder of Sun Microsystems, saw potential in their creation and offered a crucial investment of $100,000. With this financial boost, Google Inc. was officially born, and the young team transitioned from dormitories to their first office—an iconic garage in Menlo Park, California.

Over the years, Google evolved and expanded its reach, moving to its present headquarters, the ‘Googleplex’ in Mountain View, California. From a small prototype in a garage, Google has transformed into a global giant, maintaining its mission of making the world’s information accessible to everyone.

Today, billions of searches are conducted daily in over 150 languages using Google’s search engine. The Google Search index encompasses hundreds of billions of online pages, showcasing the enormous growth and impact this humble prototype has had on the internet. Google’s journey exemplifies innovation, determination, and the power of an idea that changed the course of the internet, touching the lives of millions worldwide.

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