In a disturbing turn of events on Thursday, a potential disaster was narrowly avoided on board the Delhi-bound Sealdah Rajdhani Express shooting. A passenger, identified as 41-year-old Harvinder Singh, reportedly opened fire after a heated altercation with a coach attendant. Fortunately, there were no casualties in the incident, as confirmed by the Railway police.
Specifications & Features:
- Incident Details: Harvinder Singh, the accused, had boarded the train at Dhanbad station in Jharkhand. Following a disagreement with the coach attendant, Singh resorted to firing his pistol. The Eastern Railways officials quickly responded to the situation.
- Immediate Action: The perpetrator was immediately deboarded at Koderma station and handed over to the state police for further proceedings.
- Intoxication Angle: Preliminary investigations suggest that the individual might have been under the influence of an intoxicant. Police have dispatched Singh’s blood samples for a detailed examination.
- Earlier Incident: This alarming episode comes on the heels of a similar incident in July 2023. In that occurrence, a Railway Protection Force (RPF) constable, Chetan Choudhary, opened fire inside the Jaipur-Mumbai Central Express train, tragically killing four, including assistant sub-inspector Tika Ram Meena. The constable had briefly held passengers at gunpoint before attempting to flee. Fortunately, he was promptly apprehended by RPF personnel.