In a stirring moment at Delhi’s airport on Friday morning, the chants of ‘Bharat Mata ki Jai’ and ‘Vande Mataram’ filled the air. A chartered flight, part of the ‘Operation Ajay’ rescue mission, touched down, bringing with it the first batch of Indian citizens stranded amidst Israel’s escalating tensions with Hamas.
The flight, which took off from Ben Gurion airport in Israel on Thursday night, carried a total of 212 passengers, each with their own unique tale of survival and hope in these trying times. As they disembarked, they didn’t just set foot in India; they stepped into safety, away from the cacophony of air raid sirens and the anxiety of impending conflict.
#WATCH | Chants of 'Vande Matram' and 'Bharat Mata Ki Jai' by passengers on the first flight carrying 212 Indian nationals from Israel. The flight landed at Delhi airport earlier today.
— ANI (@ANI) October 13, 2023
(Video Source: Passenger)
Among those on board, an Indian woman, previously pursuing a post-doctorate in Israel, held her 5-month-old son close, grateful for the choice to return to India amidst the conflict. Her account of the day Hamas initiated their attacks paints a vivid picture of the ground reality. She recalls a sudden siren at 6:30 in the morning, taking her family to a shelter, where the sound of another siren kept them for what felt like an eternity.
Another passenger, Shashwat Singh, a resident in Israel since 2019, reflected on the unsettling nature of waking up to air raid sirens in central Israel, pondering the unpredictable trajectory this conflict might take.
The overarching sentiment among the passengers was gratitude. Many singled out the Indian government and Prime Minister Narendra Modi for their swift action in ensuring their safe return. Their heartfelt thank yous were a testament to the government’s efficiency in crisis management.
So, what exactly is ‘Operation Ajay’?
Initiated by the Centre on Wednesday, this rescue mission aimed at evacuating Indians stuck in the Israel-Hamas conflict zone. As commercial airlines like Air India suspended operations to Israel after the war erupted on October 7, the need for special measures became evident. ‘Operation Ajay’ includes special chartered flights, and if necessary, the deployment of Indian Navy ships to ensure the safety of Indian nationals.
This move is crucial, considering the significant Indian diaspora in Israel, which consists of approximately 18,000 people, including students, professionals, and traders. With many more awaiting their turn, the operation is set to continue, reuniting families and providing a beacon of hope in these challenging times.