World Arthritis Day 2023img src: HT

October 12th marks World Arthritis Day 2023 , a global initiative established by Arthritis and Rheumatism International (ARI) to raise awareness about rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs). This yearly event aims to shed light on approximately 200 lesser-known conditions that often go unnoticed, creating a platform for education about symptoms, prevention, and early diagnosis.

World Arthritis Day 2023: Theme, Quotes, and Objective

The theme for World Arthritis Day 2023 is yet to be announced, but the previous year’s theme was “It’s in your hands, take action.” Quotes like “Arthritis is a thief, stealing vitality, freedom, and joy,” resonate with the spirit of resilience and determination seen in individuals battling this condition. The objective remains to foster a positive attitude, encourage lifestyle changes, and emphasize the importance of early diagnosis.

Ayurvedic Herbs: A Traditional Approach to Managing Arthritis

In the pursuit of managing arthritis, ancient Indian wisdom offers potential solutions. Ayurvedic herbs like turmeric, ginger, boswellia, and ashwagandha possess anti-inflammatory properties that may alleviate arthritis symptoms. However, individual responses to these herbs vary, necessitating consultation with healthcare professionals or Ayurvedic practitioners before use.

Shoulder Pain: Understanding Causes, Symptoms, and Management

Shoulder pain, a common ailment across age groups, significantly impacts daily life, limiting activities such as lifting objects and dressing. Causes range from traumatic accidents to overuse, impingement syndromes, muscle tears, tendonitis, and arthritis. Rheumatoid and osteoarthritis can also affect the shoulder joint, causing persistent pain and stiffness.

Symptoms encompass limited range of motion, reduced movements, pins and needles sensation, joint pain, and catching sensation. Treatment options include medications, physiotherapy, hot and cold therapy, corticosteroid injections, and, in severe cases, arthroscopic surgery or shoulder joint replacement.

Prevention involves engaging in shoulder-strengthening exercises, maintaining proper posture, using appropriate body mechanics, restricting excessive use and repetitive movements, and incorporating warm-ups and cool-downs into physical activities.

This World Arthritis Day, the spotlight is on spreading awareness about arthritis, exploring holistic approaches like Ayurvedic herbs, and empowering individuals with the knowledge to prevent and manage shoulder pain effectively.

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