PM Netanyahu Vows to End Warimg src: getty images

The Israel-Hamas conflict has taken a dire turn as the death toll crosses 1,600 in just three days. Israeli PM Netanyahu vows to end war, highlighting that his country did not initiate the conflict but will ensure its conclusion.

“We didn’t want this war. It was forced upon us in the most brutal and savage way. Though Israel didn’t start this war, Israel will finish it,” stated Prime Minister Netanyahu. He pledged to exact a price that will be etched in the memories of Hamas and Israel’s adversaries for decades to come.

Netanyahu condemned the relentless attacks by Hamas on innocent Israelis, describing them as mindboggling and savage. He drew a parallel between Hamas and ISIS, urging support from allies to defeat Hamas and emphasizing that “Israel will win this war, and when Israel wins, the entire civilized world wins.”

In response to the escalating situation, Hamas threatened to kill hostages if Israeli air strikes on the Gaza Strip persisted. The armed wing of Hamas conveyed that every targeting of their people without warning will prompt the execution of civilians taken hostage. Reportedly, at least 100 individuals have been held captive by the group.

The United Nations has expressed concerns over possible humanitarian law violations, particularly with Netanyahu vowing to turn Hamas-controlled areas “to rubble.” The conflict was triggered by an unprecedented incursion by Hamas terrorists, launching rockets and sending fighters across the border.

International declarations of support for Israel have come forth, along with appeals for an end to the fighting and the protection of civilians. The world watches as this conflict continues to claim lives and escalate tensions in the region.

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